if you're waiting for a sign, this is it

I feel as though sometimes we're the only ones holding ourselves back. I mean of course we are, who else has the right and ability to do so otherwise?

It's always easier to blame it on your current job, living situation, family, friends, to not be able to do things you're dreaming of doing. but thats just the fear in you talking. you can do anything you set you're mind to. the jump is always the scariest. and I often find myself making excuses for not wanting to take chances but once I just do it, it turns into one of the best experiences of my life.

it scares me a little to not know where I'm going to live the next 1,2,3.. however many years. a part of me wants to just settle down and be comfortable but theres this strong other side of me that wants to see the world, experience new things, fall in love with places, fall in love with people, watch the sun rise and set over the ocean, fall asleep with a smile on my face knowing I get to wake up to living my dream. and just to appreciate everything a little more than I already do now.

I just remind myself of this everytime I feel fear creeping up on me. who knows what else is out there for us. We're not going to change anything about our current situation if we don't change our behaviour, even though it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking it's all going to just come easily to us without us having to leave our comfort zone.

I don't want to travel forever, I want to settle down at one point but when I do, I don't want to stop living my dream right there and then. I want to always grow and learn and be able to face new obstacles but always with a sense of adventure and always with a sense of gratitute.

it might not always seem possible, but you'd be surprised that it usually always is and it's so worth it and the best feeling in the world to achieve something you've always dreamed of. if you're waiting for a sign, this is it. Don't settle for anything less than pure magic.
