VANLIFE mornings & thoughts on labels

Sharing your thoughts is scary. We have so much to give. so much to learn from eachother. We crave authenticity. the truth. this is me, being 100% real and I’m hoping that through my vulnerability I can reach you. Maybe you are on the same journey, or can relate in some sort of way. These posts might not be as structured and planned as other blog posts but I am speaking from my heart, just letting the words flow.

I, along with my partner, am currently travelling the westcoast of Australia in our van Sally. It is amazing, stressful, overwhelming, freeing and so incredibly beautiful. I go through all of these emotions several times a week.

I love waking up in the morning, hearing the birds. Looking outside and seeing nature all around me. Almost feeling like I am part of it. The slow mornings. Reading in bed. Getting out of bed and stretching. Dorian usually has breakfast straight away or goes for a surf. I, on the other hand like to sip on my tea and just take it all in. Mornings are so important to set the right intentions for the day. Without having those few moments in the morning to just BREATHE , I feel a bit lost throughout the day. But I have been trying to make it a habit to just take a few moments to reflect and set my intentions. For example, „I want to see only good in people today.“, „Everything I say and do comes from a place of love and understanding.“ Little things like that make a huuge difference to my day. Because even though I strive for this everday, if I remind myself in the morning, I am much more likely to actually do it. I love learning about things like this, about daily rituals, how I can improve my life, my happiness, etc. If whatever I am reading seems right to me, I’ll give it a try. Not feeling like I am automatically labelled as a hippie, or an esoteric, or a yogi, or anything really. I am happy to implement a lot of things into my life, as long as they add value.

Speaking of labelling: this has also been on my mind a lot lately. I have for the longest time found it easy to just put labels on myself, in order to not having to explain a lot oft things. Whether it is the way I eat, what I did/do as a job, my clothing style, etc. But I have found that it’s quite limiting and almost feels like you are trapped in this little box. I am happy to explain to people what I am currently interested in and up to but I no longer use a simple word to define such a complex topic that is so different for everyone. Change is so important and necessary for growth. And change is inevitable. I now feel like I am not being held back by anything, anyone and most importantly, by myself anymore.

I am so interested in different ways of living and it gives me so much joy to try out new things and implementing them into my daily routine. Seeing if it feels good and right for me and if not I just letting it go and trying other things instead. Easy as. 😊