INTUITION & how to grow your intuition

„Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without proof, evidence, or conscious reasoning, or without understanding how the knowledge was acquired“

Everyone can develop intuitive skills. Over the years, most people have stopped paying attention to their gut feeling. We rely on common sense and rational thinking to help us make decisions in our life - especially the important ones. Intuitive callings will often arise but if they are constantly being pushed away and not listened to, then those skills will slowly be reversed and disappear.

I see it in a way that living a life guided by our intuition is the ultimate goal. When listening to our intuition, it’s not about knowing why this decision seems right. Our intuition guides us but at the same time also protects us. Rather than questioning it, it’s about trusting yourself and the universe. Slowly but surely your life will unfold in a way, you wouldn’t have imagined possible. Just by living a life guided by your intuition.

I have found that there are quite a few things you can do to grow your intuition. Once further developed it almost seems like a superpower you have as life just magically unfolds in just the right way. I have listed my tips and tricks below.

be grateful

Staying focused on the positive - majority of the time. Make a gratitude list or think of 3 things you are grateful when you first wake up and when you go to bed.

be aware of your feelings

Whether it’s a good friend of yours, your family, partner, etc. or a stranger, see if you can tell what mood they’re in when they first walk into the room. What kind of energy to they give off? Do you feel good seeing them or do you instantly feel like you’re getting drained by their low energy. Be aware of those feelings.

choose your thoughts wisely

Thoughts create your reality. Be kind to yourself and act as if you are living your dream life already. Focusing on what you don’t have, will only attract more of that. Instead focus on what it is that you want and think postive thoughts. So if you find yourself saying „I am always sick“, „I hate my job“, „I never get to go on holidays“, etc. a lot, the universe listens and will give you exactly that. Instead make an effort to change your way of thinking: „I am so grateful to be healthy“, „I love my job and have the best colleagues“, „I am abundant in all areas of life“, etc. Even if that is not your current your reality right now, it will manifest into your reality if those are the things you tell yourself every day. It might feel a bit silly at the beginning, but it works and immediately puts you in a better headspace.

sit with your fears and doubts

It is difficult to think about what scares us. We fear of giving those negative thoughts too much energy, because we are scared they will be manifested into our reality. And I agree (see “choose your thoughts wisely”) but when we feel fear creeping up on us, we need to adress that. What am I scared of? Why am I having negative thoughts? Write them down on a piece of paper, speak it out loud, talk to someone about it. Really take time to sit with those feelings. Ignoring those thoughts will only make things worse as they will keep on popping up (for a reason!). When you feel like you have worked through them and can now see the lesson or the light at the end oft he tunnel, you can let go of them. Let go of those negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.

listen to your gut feeling

Listen and act on that initial feeling you get. Don’t try and talk yourself out of it. Start by making small decisions based on your intuition. For example choosing a restaurant or figuring out what to wear that day. Some things just feel right or wrong to you. Just listen.


sometimes all you need is to be still to receive an answer to a questions that has been on your mind. Spending time in silence will not only help you hear them but you will know exactly how to act on them. For some people meditation might come in different forms. Sitting in a lotus position with your eyes closed, breathing deeply is wonderful, but you can experience the same stillness through other things you might enjoy a bit more. For you that might be gardening, yoga, painting or other creative work. Sometimes also just taking a couple of deep breaths, helps quiet to cognitive mind.

spend time in nature.

Being in natuare always seems to do the trick. No distractions, no technology. Connecting with mamma earth.

live in alignment

Align your behaviour and thinking pattern with your values. Once you really feel connected and in alignment, it is almost impossible to make decisions that don’t agree with your core value. Your intuition will speak more clearly to you. When you’re betraying your values, your intuition will let you know.

trust and surrender

It seems easier to make decisions based on common sense and „what other people do“. Let go of limiting beliefs. You are not crazy for following those hunches. Trust your intuition, hear the message and act on it. Often our rational mind will make up ideas that seem like the better choice, make us doubt ourselves. Stay focused and don’t let the ego make decisions for you. You know what is right and wrong, don’t let the ego or the rational mind influence you.

live in the now

“All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry - all forms of fear - are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.”

A quote by Eckhart Tolle to remind us to live in the now.