get lost to find yourself

as cliché as this sounds, you won’t know what this truly means until you have experienced it for yourself. there is nothing quite like traveling. getting out of your comfort zone – daily. seeing new things. experiencing new things. meeting new people and saying goodbye again, even when it feels like it’s too soon sometimes. experiencing the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. but in between it all you feel nothing but pure bliss and freedom. falling in love with beautiful places and people. losing yourself in the simple moments. knowing what it feels like to just be you. what do you think about most and what do you spend your time doing when you have no other obligations? you get to decide who you want to be. reinvent yourself over and over again until you love the person you‘ve become.

„have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing“

majority of the photos are from 2 of my favourite places in the world. yallingup and dunsborough, Western Australia. raw and real photos of living on the road. cooking with an ocean view, freezing cold beach showers, messy van, laundry day and breakfast by the ocean.