western australia . photo diary

a few more photos of Western Australia - peppermint grove, busselton, yallingup, dunsborough, two peoples bay and esperance.

The first few are from the first day staying in the van. Started off not so great haha. We decided to leave on the hottest day of the year. We spent the day at peppermint grove and had a lovely day! boy oh boy did we not know what was awaiting us later that evening. it all started as soon as the sun was starting to set.. not pictured are a million flys that annoyed the sh*t out of me while i tried to cook/eat (they literally fly into your mouth and ears), 30+ degrees heat IN the van + I almost choked to death laughing because I was making fun of Dorian and still had food in my mouth (karma I guess). I pretty much didn’t sleep at all because I was so hot. And our neighbours decided to party all night. So yes, that pretty much sums up our first night in the van.

But it got better. way better! The temperature cooled down a little over the next few days and I had the best nights of sleep in the van. We saw stunning beaches, daily. we swam in the ocean almost every day. We got to see beautiful sunrises and sunsets. We met amazing people. We cooked and ate delicious food - outside and with breathtaking nature surrounding us.

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